Tasty Ear Bits, The Disasterina Podcast!
Disasterina is LA's Most Disastrous Drag Queen, host of the OUTtv series My Drag Is Valid, cast member of The Boulet Brother's Dragula Season 2, and star of the OutTv series Sado Psychiatrist! Listen to her get stoopid with her artsy fartsy, weirdo, fabulous frenz! Interviews, original music, comedy skits, trash poetry, obtuse aural segments will infiltrate your safe sound space! SO MANY TASTY EAR BITS!
Tasty Ear Bits, The Disasterina Podcast!
Rasputin's Marionettes Part One
Well hello there naughty boys and girls it is I, Disasterina! Welcome to the tasty ear bits podcast! Here we all about the drag, da art, da trash, and da comedy haha!
This episode we gonna do a deep AND RAUNCHY dive into da puppet pool with Master Puppeteer Matt Scott of Rasputin’s Marionettes!
Matt gave us so much tasty behind da curtains goodies that we had to slice et into 2 parts, or should I say cut it into two fatty lines on top of the urinal! This part, Part 1, is all about Matt’s influences like H.R. Pufnstuf, Wayland & Madame, and Shaye Saint John. Plus his fascinating history, including his beginnings at The Bob Baker Marionette Theater, his wild and lascivious shows at California Institute of Abnormal Arts, and more!
Stay tuned for part two, which further details Matt’s professional career with Pretty Things Peep Show, The Boulet Brothers, and a NEW project called Sugarbitch Goulache in which I play an important part!
So, sit down and shut up you stupid snot nosed children because the puppet show is about to begin!
Music by Doctor Steevo