Tasty Ear Bits, The Disasterina Podcast!
Disasterina is LA's Most Disastrous Drag Queen, host of the OUTtv series My Drag Is Valid, cast member of The Boulet Brother's Dragula Season 2, and star of the OutTv series Sado Psychiatrist! Listen to her get stoopid with her artsy fartsy, weirdo, fabulous frenz! Interviews, original music, comedy skits, trash poetry, obtuse aural segments will infiltrate your safe sound space! SO MANY TASTY EAR BITS!
Tasty Ear Bits, The Disasterina Podcast!
Holes of Corn, Rabbit & Pie
Well hello naughty boys and girls, it is I, Disasterinaaaa! Welcome to da Tasty Ear Bits Podcast! Here we’re all about da drag, da art, da TRASH, and da comedy, haha!
This episode we will be taking a hole-istic approach. We will be sliding out of da corn hole with a whole new segment from my hand puppet Barnie Scrotum called Crazy Stories about Poop! First story by LA rocker Kent Holmes.
And to add to da holiness we have a deep dive into da interview rabbit hole with famous standup comedian Robin Tran!
PLUS, a whole lot of trashy poetry from da pie holes of famous sexy man Eddie Danger & bizarre actor and drag performer Stephanie G. Galindo (AKA Charles Galin)!
Music by Doctor Steevo, Chuck Cirino, and Kent Holmes.